
16 de November de 2021

Jornal Opção: Cora Coralina’s work will be celebrated after the tribute received in Italy

Event at 8 pm this Friday (12/18) promoted by Seduce highlights the relevance of the legacy of the writer from Vilaboense Asolo Art Film Asolo Art […]
16 de November de 2021

Jornal Opção: Photo exhibition portrays cities in Goiás during the Gold Cycle

Photos and illustrations depicting Goiás in the period will be presented during Holy Week Photographers Cidinha Coutinho, Eliane de Castro, Rosa Berardo and Rosary Esteves and […]
16 de November de 2021

UFG at the Rome Biennial: Professor Rosa Berardo will have works from the Xingu photographic collection exhibited in Italy

The Rome International Art Biennial will have participation from Goiás. Rosa Berardo, a professor at the Faculty of Visual Arts (FAV), was selected to exhibit 10 […]
16 de November de 2021

Jornal UFG: UFG professor visits Universidad Nacional de Jujuy

Rosa Berardo will mediate the renewal of the UFG’s Cooperation Agreement with the Argentinean institution UFG’s Faculty of Visual Arts (FAV) professor, Rosa Berardo, is in […]
16 de November de 2021

Jornal Opção: MinC Audiovisual Secretary alerts for greater qualification

Mário Borgneth’s speech during a debate on public policies was seen as a positive nudge by some filmmakers from Goiás The National Audiovisual Secretary of the […]
16 de November de 2021

Rosa Berardo at the International Congress of Canadian Studies at UFG

UFG currently has agreements with three Canadian universities (Université du Québec à Montréal, Saint Mary’s University, York University), in addition to the partnership with the Center for Studies and […]